Top Parenting Blogs That Rock The Web
Blogging is a fantastic medium because anyone can get into it and have their own voice, their own corner of the internet. For parents, this is particularly important as they can share their experiences, the highs and lows as well as the many things they learn along the way. Here we are highlighting the very best in parent bloggers, those who bring their own wisdom and humour to their reader’s lives. This exclusive list of bloggers can inspire their readers, offer solutions to problems and help guide them through the darkest times.
Whether you are searching for the best nappy bags, baby play mat or pram liner for your baby, maternity dress for yourself, inspiration for activities to do on rainy days or simply some moral support during tough times, the blogs that we have chosen for our exclusive awards are there for you. They are written by real people with real problems that we can all relate to, regardless our children’s ages.
These bloggers are from around the world and focus on a variety of aspects of life (from baby shower ideas to potty training) as well as being parents. They show us what we can do, what we might want to do and sometimes, even what to avoid doing. They become our friends through their words and we wait for their next instalment with curiosity.
So without further ado, here are the top parenting blogs, organized by blogger’s name (few bloggers used their website name as they don’t want to publicize their name). Enjoy!

Kim Miller
Kim Miller is the #RVA mom and Chief Estrogen Officer at Life in a House of Testosterone. This mother of 3 is a former legal assistant who loves helping people and constantly strives to find the rays of sunshine in a cloudy day. She loves interacting with her readers and sharing tips on parenting children with ADHD, learning disabilities, and mental health disorders. Kim is a passionate advocate for children and teenagers dealing with finding their way in the world regardless of the obstacles that they may face.
She shares tips on being a one income family, home decor, parenting teenagers (with a focus on teenage boys), and her mom’s best recipes just to name a few. Kim considers herself blessed to have made many friends around the world as a blogger, those she may not have met otherwise, and she loves sharing tips relative to those friends as well who have been following her blog since 2004.
When she’s not blogging, Kim loves to travel, spend time with her family, binge watch her favorite shows, attend wine expos, women’s shows, and having mother/daughter weekends with her only daughter who is integral in helping her keep her sanity in a household full of testosterone carriers!

Jill Robbins
Jill Robbins is the mom behind the popular blog Ripped Jeans and Bifocals. If you’ve ever wanted to know what it’s like to be the oldest mom with the youngest kid, Ripped Jeans and Bifocals is the place for you. Jill writes about motherhood, adoption and aging with a sarcastic twist. Her writing has appeared in The Washington Post, Babble, and Scary Mommy.
Jill loves yoga pants, cheap wine, cold coffee, complaining about her kids and her minivan. In other words, she’s a total suburban cliche.
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Laura Dove
Five Little Doves is written by Laura, a wife of one and Mum of five. Laura shares the ups and downs of Motherhood whilst raising awareness of the subjects close to her heart – stillbirth, miscarriage, mental health and chronic illness. Her blog as been described as honest, heart warming and the children, nothing short of a miracle.

Charlotte Pearson
Charlotte is a mum of four children (a girl and three boys), she runs the Mummy Fever blog and writes about all things related to parenting, lifestyle and family travel. Charlotte’s background in the health and social care of children and families influences her writing and she is always keen to get across that there is no ‘correct’ way to parent, we simply try our best and make it up as we go along. Another inspiration for Charlotte’s writing is the sibling bond between her children, who are currently 10, 8, 3 and 2. They love to have adventures as a family and are most at home on a pair of skis in the French Alps.

Hollie Burgess
Hollie is new mummy to her son Baby C. From plus size fashion to parenting, encompasses her London lifestyle. It was set up as my creative outlet in 2013, and has taken her on an unexpected journey ever since. She blogs about fashion, family and food with a splash of beauty.
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Karen Reekie
Our blog started when my youngest child stopped sleeping almost at the same time as a needy kitten arrived in our lives (hence the name) and documented our struggles to survive on little or no sleep and a child with extra needs. Now it’s grown into a family blog sharing about our life. An insight into parenting a child with sensory processing disorder, as well as my personal struggle with post partum mental health issues, but also a lot of normal life, written honestly and with a sense of humour. Two cats, two kids, mostly chaos, we love it!

Chloe Ciliberto
Chloe lives by the beach in beautiful Cornwall with her mischievous little toddler Evie. In 2015 she founded Life Unexpected to document her life as an unexpected mum. In that time Life Unexpected has evolved into something so much more. Now an award winning UK based family lifestyle blog, Life Unexpected follows Chloe and Evie as they go on world adventures and explore life as a unique family. Expect to find posts about world travel, family life, playtime and crafts, health and fitness, co-parenting after separation and life as a work at home mum.

Jennifer Hay
Jennifer is the lifestyle blogger behind My Boys and Their Toys. As a mom of 2 young sons, and wife to a school principal, she understands just how busy life can be. With a passion for writing and helping others, she created the blog 5 years ago to inspire other parents, share simple recipes, travel adventures, and much more! She’s also been featured on Buzzfeed 3 times and iBlog Magazine.

Heather Jones
Heather is a wife and mother of two rambunctious boys living in the beautiful mountain town of Flagstaff Arizona. While she used to be a newscast director motherhood has fulfilled her life in ways she never imagined. Her days are fueled by coffee and early morning snuggles from her two boys while getting them off to school, helping with homework and blogging on in the parenting and Home Design/Decor Niche. You’ll find her writing about interior color palates, shiplap and the easiest most delicious way to make enchiladas.

Quirky Chrissy
Quirky Chrissy is a writer, editor, humorist, and storyteller with a passion for cheese and zest for life. She lives in Chicago suburbia with her husband and 6 stuffed sloths. She’s been featured on Dirty Sexy Funny with Jenny McCarthy, and her work has been published in the book, “I Just Want to be Perfect,” compiled by Jenn Mann.

Steph Moore
Renovation Bay-Bee is a home and family lifestyle blog by Steph. A Mum of 3 who is aiming to ‘renovate’ their lives in as many ways as possible. They love to explore the world around them, and the four walls they live in. Great for ideas for days out, recipes, DIY, crafts and family fashion.

Eileen Gunn
Eileen Gunn is a dedicated journalist and active traveler with her family of 3. She created FamiliesGo! to help parents like her to travel more, to be a little more adventurous with their families and to plan vacations that will provide great memories. She believes the entire family should enjoy the family vacations, it’s OK for kids to be bored and you can travel anywhere with kids if you plan well. You can find her work on FamiliesGo! and a wealth of other publications.

Sarah is the scientist-turned-SAHM behind Mum Muddling Through; a blog intended to be the online version of that alright Mum you met at a playgroup who you can talk over the latest child saga with. It’s no parenting manual, but more a bit of online camaraderie for other parents muddling along. You can also find the #coolmumclub community here; a Thursday link up for bloggers and also an instagram community.
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Angela Milnes
Angela Milnes is the blogger behind The Inspiration Edit. She covers topics from teaching kids through play and learning to sharing her experiences of life with Adrenal Insufficiency and chronic illness. The blog is a fantastic resource for parents full of fun ideas, printables, thoughts on parenting and lifestyle tips. Why not take a look and pop over to visit the site?

Jodie Fisher
Jodie is a young mum of three daughters who is passionate about documenting her parenting journeys. Life With Pink Princesses was started during the last few weeks of being pregnant with her second daughter. It was a platform to rant and let out her inner thoughts which has grown to be a way of life.

Morgan Prince
Mum to two boys, one very active, one not-so-much, Morgan Prince writes about the daily ups and downs of parenting. From days out with her boys and husband to articles about how to make your cleaning go quicker (which everyone wants right?) Morgan has made it her mission to make every mum’s day easier.
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Jaki Jelley
Jaki is a UK Lifestyle and Family blogger and lives with her husband and four year old little boy. Admittedly winging Motherhood since 2012, Jaki writes about real life parenting – no sugar coating here! With a penchant for nice shoes, loud music and woolly socks, Jaki loves to write and is a self confessed social media addict.

Jade Lloyd
What a fantastic email to receive thank you very much! Its great to see some of my favourite bloggers on the list! I have added an image which I hope is suitable. Bio- A wild and wonderful parent and #Lionessmama finding my feet as an imperfect mother at TPJ family and lifestyle blog. A safe place of honesty, solace and support for parents-old and new to dispel that lingering grey thought that we are not ‘good enough!’ We are all different. Diversity is good; look how successful skittles are. I focus on wellbeing, support for single parents, the challenge of being a working mother and how to make things work as a blended family.

Polly Davies
Polly is a home-educating single Mama to four, living in North Wales. She is also a blogger and freelance writer, creating a love-filled, simple life.

Michelle McCann
Life is pretty hectic for Chelle McCann as she not only juggles life as a busy mum but she also blogs and runs her own business as well. Chelle runs a fair few facebook groups to help support other mums to be through the motherhood haze or through starting their own freelance career. Life is never dull and always busy!
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Kate Michalska
I’m a proud Mom of one little boy. He is a cheeky toddler with huge personality. We’re based in little town Spalding in UK. I’m a founder of a place where every Mom can feel special. We like to talk about real life, tips, tricks, parenting advice and traveling. I’m obsessed with my family’s health and dairy and gluten free food.

Joanna Bayford
Joanna Victoria is parenting and lifestyle blog written by Joanna who is a first time mum to 2 year old Blake. She is married to Stuart and is currently a SAHM. Joanna writes about life as a family of 3 along with other topics she is passionate about.

Tanita Taylor
Tanita is a family and lifestyle blogger and vlogger. She started her online journey when she was working full time and pregnant with her daughter sophia doing weekly pregnancy videos. She then studied an English Literature and Language Degree from home when her daughter was born and shortly before she graduated she started her blog. Which has grown from a hobby into her very own business. Something she never thought possible. Tanita absolutely loves the online world and the community support here. She continues to share and document her family life in the hopes to connect with other parents and offer a place of support and inspiration.
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Ember came back to blogging in 2015 with the hope of expanding her blog topics. Now covering topics such as parenting, lifestyle, crafts, tech, mental health & of course anything purple. Ember has 2 daughters who love to help review toys, books & crafts, as well as coming up with their own ideas too!

Jess Holmes
Jess Holmes is a mother of 2 boys, a pediatric hospital PCT, and author of Wildish Jess. Since 2013, Wildish Jess has been a must read for millennial women. Covering lifestyle, parenting, travel, and local events in her hometown, Gilbert, AZ, you can’t help but wanting to find out the low down on everything.

Tabitha Black
Tabitha is a wife, mother of two – a 9 year old boy and a baby girl due June 2017, who enjoys cooking, outdoors, photography, traveling, shopping. She runs a blog that covers lifestyle, parenting, travel and entertainment; calls the Pacific Northwest (PNW) home and frequently writes about that area.
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Rhian Harris
Rhian is a Mum blogger who began her blog when she became pregnant as a story for her daughter to read when she got older. It has since evolved as content on what life throws up as a parent, as well as offering tips and tricks on how to be a better blogger drawing on her 10+ years in digital marketing.
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Angela Rogers
I am a single working mom raising my wonderful daughter. What started as a way to track her milestones has grown into so much more over the years. covers a wide range of topics, and has reviews, coupons, giveaways, and more.
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Kate is a same sex family blogger based near Brighton, East Sussex. She lives with her wife Sharon, their son T, and their cheeky border terrier Oscar.
Kate writes honestly about life as a same sex family and the issues that often come with that, but also the fun things they get up to as a family – often taking far too many pictures!
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Tarynn Playle
Tarynn Playle is a stay at home mom of two near Seattle and the content creator for Mama By Fire. She writes about daily life with her kids, self care for parents, and she likes sharing her favorite recipes. She has a love affair with chocolate and she’ll never turn down an invite to get some coffee.

Lucy is mummy to two adventurous girls who love all things pink and princess-y. She is also founder and editor of the UK parenting blog, Lucy At Home. After 5 years as a mama, Lucy realised an inevitable part of mum-ing is questioning yourself and worrying. She started Lucy At Home to reassure mums across the globe that they are not alone in their self-doubt and to encourage them to keep going.

Jessica Terry
Jessica is a work at home mom blogger of 5 children from 13 to 7 months. She writes about the chaos of having a big family, being blended after divorce and the joy her children bring. She also writes about brands and products her family loves with an honest view. She has written for, Yummy Mummy Club and the Mom Resource.

Kirsty Winn
Winnettes is a parenting and baking blog written by Kirsty, Mum of two little ladies, Ellie (4) and Trixie (2). Having found motherhood and the change in identity quite hard Kirsty has found a happy medium by teaching her daughters all about her passion, baking. Posts range from factual, helpful parenting and lifestyle tips to tongue in cheek humour about being a parent. The trials of life are never taken too seriously in the Winnettes household.

Jaymee Heaton
My name is Jaymee and I am nearing ever so closer to 30! I started drinking wine (a drink I always associated with older people) and I drink buckets of coffee! My husband Mark and I married after a whirlwind of a romance and celebrating 8 years this year! We have 3 boys Jack, Oliver and Arthur! I blog about our adventures and what we get up too!
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Chelsea Thompson
When Chelsea, writer behind “Married Filing Jointly” is not sitting in front of the computer or working my day job, can be found working on various home renovation projects with her husband or playing with her sweet two-year-old son, “E.” Married Filing Jointly is a lifestyle blog that chronicles the everyday adventures of a wife/mommy/friend and the lessons learned along the way. Here you can find posts on everything from budget travel and home remodel to stories of motherhood and relationship revelations!
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Alyssa Serben
Alyssa is the doeverythingsothateveryonesurvives person in her family. She believes wine should be acceptable with every meal. You can usually find her chasing her preschooler, wiping slobber off furniture or running her empire. Between writing, her etsy shop and family, she is almost always laughing with a twitch in her eye.
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Ivy Boyter
Ivy was married in 2009, and became a stay at home mom after the birth of her first baby, a girl, in 2011, then had a son in 2015. Aside from running the house and caring for her family, she runs a successful mom blog, SAHM, plus… There, you’ll find childbirth topics and practical parenting, marriage, and self-care tips.
In 2017, Ivy published her first eBook “How to Conquer Your Family’s Schedule” to encourage simple time management techniques for busy parents.
In her spare time, she enjoys Autocross racing and nights out focusing on her marriage and spending quality time with her husband.

My name’s Michelle but everyone calls me Shell. I’m a mum to a 17-year-old son and two daughters who are 9 and 11. I also have 5 step sons, a step daughter and 2 step grandsons. I’ve been married to my super wonderful husband for 12 years.
I started writing my blog because I wanted something to do while the children were at school.
I love photography and reading. I write about family, gardening, crafts, recipes, books and my weight loss journey with Slimming World.
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Maria Foy
Maria is a Mum of two from New Zealand and started Happy Mum Happy Child in 2014 to document the activities she did with her kids – it is now one of New Zealand’s top parenting websites! The website is now a hub of information with family-friendly recipes, activities for kids, parenting tips and tricks and all about Maria’s journey with post-natal depression. Happy Mum Happy Child is a place for parents to feel slightly less alone in this journey.
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Wendy Mccance
Wendy McCance is a freelance social media and content writer. She is also the founder of a blog that focuses on career and family life. The blog can be found in 9 newspapers online. Most recently, Wendy has recently been honored with the privilege of being asked to be a Mogul Influencer for Mogul is an award winning platform that empowers women worldwide through shared knowledge and support.

Purple Ella is an autistic family lifestyle blog. With three out of five of us on the autistic spectrum life can be a challenge, but also a lot of fun. Purple Ella features posts about family life, lifestyle tips and information about autism.

Maggy Woodley
Maggy Woodley, crafty author and mum of two, is passionate about making crafts fun and easy. She understands just how busy and life can get with little ones, but also how wonderful and magical it is to do stuff together. Author of popular kids craft book (60 Cute and Easy Crafts for Kids), as well as and Red Ted Art on YouTube, she shares 100s of ideas to keep you and the kids busy! Easy, Crafty, Fun!

Project Nursery
Founded in 2008 by Melisa Fluhr and Pam Ginocchio, Project Nursery is the #1 digital resource for finding the vision, tools, and products for every kind of baby nursery and kid-friendly decorating project. The platform connects millions of parents, design professionals, bloggers, and leading brands around the world through its photo galleries, videos, tutorials, forums, and other expert and member-generated content.

Jamie Reimer
Jamie has noticed over the years that when you spend quality time with your kids, the whole house is happier. As a hands on mom of 3 energetic boys, she has a special love of creating movement activities! But also creates busy play ideas, fine motor activities, crafts and art projects. Jamie has been sharing her ideas on “Hands On As We Grow” since 2010. Recently, Jamie started a subscription to her simple activity plans in “The Activity Room”.
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Dr. Laura
Dr. Laura is the author of the book Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids: How to Stop Yelling and Start Connecting and Peaceful Parent, Happy Siblings: How To Stop the Fighting and Raise Friends for Life.
She is the founding editor of, an extensive website serving up Aha! Moments to parents of babies through teens. Her free weekly newsletters reach over 100,000 parents, and many more follow her on Facebook and Twitter.
Dr. Laura says that earning her PhD in clinical psychology at Columbia University was just the beginning of her education as a psychologist. The mother of two children, now ages 20 and 24; she says becoming a mother convinced her that parents need more support. Her aspiration, she says, is to change the world, one child at a time, by supporting parents.
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Amy Mascott
Amy Mascott is a teacher, mother of 3 crazy-cool kids, author of “Raising a Rock-Star Reader: 75 Quick Tips to Help Your Child Develop A Lifelong Love of Reading”, and owner of, where, since 2008, she has empowered parents to take an active role in their child’s learning.

Ruth Schwenk
Ruth Schwenk is a Pastor’s wife and blessed mother of four children. She is the founder of and co-founder, with her husband of Ruth is the co-author of Pressing Pause: 100 Quiet Moments for Moms to Meet With Jesus and For Better or For Kids: A Vow to Love Your Spouse with Kids in the House.

Ellen Seidman
Ellen Seidman is a mother of three, content producer, magazine editor and the blogger behind the award-winning Love That Max, a blog for parents of kids with special needs who kick butt. Max is her son, he has cerebral palsy and he kicks butt. In her spare time, she likes to snack.
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Janel Case
A Mom’s Take features a team of moms sharing real life tips, tricks, and parenting advice to get you through the difficult times raising your kids and running a household. You’ll also find easy recipes, fun kids activities, travel guides and so much more!
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Sarah-Jean Ballard
Sarah-Jean Ballard is a mother of 4, housewife, and author of The Fashionable Housewife – the FIRST fashion blog ever to be geared specifically towards housewives and mothers! Since 2005, we have been the one-stop destination for housewives and busy moms worldwide who want the lowdown on everything they need from fashion advice, outfit ideas, makeup application tips, the latest beauty products, home decor tips, easy recipes, health & fitness advice, top money-saving coupons, 100% honest product reviews, giveaways and so much more to help moms stay fabulous!

Scarlet Paolicchi
Scarlet is the Nashville mom who founded Family Focus Blog. She went to Tulane University and led a career in retail management until she had children and became a stay at home mom. She loves good food, family time, and travel.

Erika Bragdon
Erika is mom to four, including her 13 year old son who has high functioning autism. She loves spending time with her family, creating easy recipes, and learning about essential oils and natural remedies. She also enjoys green tea and her (many) backyard chickens, rabbits, and goats that her husband insists is part of her grand plan to turn him into a farmer!
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Emily Leary
Emily Leary is a writer, presenter and mum of two. Since 2011 she has run A Mummy Too, which features daily recipes, videos guides and general tips. In the past five years it has grown to 70-100k monthly readers, and a social community of almost quarter of a million followers. A Mummy Too is for anyone who has a passion for food and not enough hours in the day, where the delicious is done quickly.

Kelly Burstow
Kelly is passionate about investing in family life in intentional ways. She blogs about the fun and adventure she has with her husband and four children on her blog, Be A Fun Mum. Along with managing her blog, Kelly studies part time and enjoys reading, running and bread.
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Vidya Sury
Vidya Sury is a writer, editor, and award-winning blogger who enjoys sharing stories about everything she enjoys: parenting, mindful living, conversations, coffee, books, food, music, health, DIY, travel, photography and showing her diabetes who’s boss. She quit her corporate career to focus on family and bounced back to work as a copywriter, crafting content for clients, blogging for businesses, and editing manuscripts for publishers and authors. She has six blogs of her own and published contributions on popular sites such as The Huffington Post, PTPA, World of Moms, and SheKnows.
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Jody Arsenault
Jody Arsenault is a work from home mom, actively involved in Social Media Campaigns and Brand Awareness. She shares parenting advice, crafts, recipes and more on her Canadian blog,

Meredith Spidel
Meredith blogs at, where she spoofily earns her Mom of the Year title one epic parenting fail at a time, striving to offer heart and hope with a sweet dose of humor for fellow parents of the world and all their empathizers. She has been part of several best-selling anthologies, featured on prominent sites such as Huffington Post, In the Powder Room and BlogHer, and loves her role as the Executive VP/Operations Manager of The BlogU Conference. When she’s not breaking up fights over Legos and juice boxes, she remains fully committed to sharing a less serious look at the world of parenting.

Kim Logan
Kim is a Canadian mom to four kids who keep her busy daily. They love to make yummy foods, travel and have exciting adventures. This redhead mama loves to share their daily lives with all.

Lisa Martin
Lisa Martin is a native of Wisconsin but now resides in the Chicago area with her husband and two children. My Thoughts, Ideas, and Ramblings is a small glimpse into her life as a work-at-home mom.
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Jennipher Walters is a sister site of and is recognized as one of the top healthy parenting blogs on the internet. Thousands of moms (and dads!) go to the site each day to get tips, recipes, workouts and more to be their absolute best.
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Katrina Springer
The Organised Housewife is a parenting and lifestyle blog that was created in August 2010. The blog was designed as a place for Kat to share her own personal tips and tricks as a way of helping other busy mums like her keep a happy and organised home. Kat posts recipes, printables and ideas to her large online audience. The Organised Housewife also features an online shop, which includes calendars, routine charts, lists and more.

Jo Middleton
Jo Middleton is creator of the hilarious blog Slummy Single Mummy and winner of the inaugural Vuelio awards for Best UK Parenting Blog and Best UK Blog. Jo lives in Somerset with her partner and teenage daughter Belle, and has an older daughter, Bee, who has flown the proverbial nest. Jo’s blog is a brilliant mix of humour and honesty, covering a whole host of topics, all presented in Jo’s signature witty, accessible way.
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Dragons and Fairy Dust is a food, lifestyle and travel blog. Here you will find simple and easy recipes to brighten your day which will fit into any busy routine. You will also find plenty of days out and travel in North East England and beyond as well as places which are nice to eat out. If you like a little food and lifestyle with a dusting of magic this is the blog to read.

Reesa Lewandowski
After fumbling through the first few years of motherhood, Momma Lew found it her passion to enlighten fellow parents on how to take time to enjoy their lives and take the stress out of parenthood.

Jillian Lauren
Jillian Lauren is a writer, storyteller, mom, rock-wife, and Los Angeleno, by way of Jersey. She’s the New York Times bestselling author of the memoirs Everything You Ever Wanted and Some Girls: My Life in a Harem, and the novel Pretty. Jillian writes essays and articles, some of which have been in The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, Vanity Fair, Elle and Salon. She also tells live stories with The Moth and blogs at the award-winning She’s married to Weezer bass player Scott Shriner and they live in Los Angeles with their two sons.

Helen Neale
Helen Neale edits, and owns, the KiddyCharts blog. She is a parent herself, and knows how important it is to keep the kids entertained and interested for long enough so your tea doesn’t go cold. KiddyCharts offers free resources to do just that, as well as educate and get through life’s little parenting challenges. The site’s personalised charts are unique, allowing you to add your child’s photos to the backgrounds of their choice. Come on in, and don’t step on the Lego.

Victoria Welton
Verily Victoria Vocalises is written by Victoria Welton and is a parent and lifestyle blog. She already has a 10 year old daughter and, after trying for nearly 4 years, is now pregnant with her second due in July 2017 following a successful second IVF attempt. She writes poetry and is a keen photographer too.

Elayna Fernandez
Elayna Fernández, was raised in extreme poverty, in slum in the Dominican Republic, and moved to the USA at the end of 2001. Through overcoming the adversity of becoming a single mom, she discovered that she could choose a positive mindset and access her inner power. She’s now known worldwide as The Positive MOM, an award-winning storyteller, a renowned digital strategist, and an avid student of pain. Elayna helps moms rewrite their story, heal their wounds, and create joy, balance, and success on their own terms – in all areas of life. Elayna lives in Fort Worth, Texas, with her husband and 3 home-schooled daughters. Elayna is often featured in global media and travels the world as a motivational keynote speaker and success trainer for mompreneurs. Her philosophy is “BE Positive and You’ll BE Powerful!”

Charlotte Braithwaite
Charlotte Braithwaite is the owner of Berice Baby, a London lifestyle & family blog.
Her online journey started on YouTube with weekly pregnancy updates then developed into a little blogging online community where she shares family life and her second pregnancy. (43)
On Berice Baby you’ll find Days Out, Gift Guides, Reviews, Entertainment, Giveaways, Child/Mum & Dad Style, Family Life, Food, Travel, Events and Much More…
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Lu and Claire
Bambino Goodies is all about cool stuff for kids. For the past ten years, Lu and Claire been taking the legwork out of tracking down stylish buys for children and have tempted hundreds of thousands of people with their finds, as well as providing oodles of inspiration. Lu and Claire are passionate about well-designed, stylish, practical, playful, ethical buys and showing support to independent retailers, designers and brands. They also love to highlight fun activities, places to go, things to make and inspiring family living ideas. Their store offers a carefully curated selection of goodies from independent designers, plus a growing own-label collection.

Mirka Moore
Mirka Moore is a multi-award nominated professional lifestyle & fitness blogger, and social media advisor that has been around for over 7 years. She blogs about her family life, travel adventures, style and fitness tips and much more.

Rebecca is a full time write and blogger and a mum of two. A sufferer of PCOS, she has a passion for improving her health and the health of her family, through sugar-free recipes and exercise.

Tiffany Ray
Fabulous Mom Blog presents everything about motherhood. How can you be a successful mom? How to take care of the kids? How to plan their outdoor activities? What’s the best food for kids? You would find every detail in the most precise manner.

Brandi Best
Brandi Best is a busy mom with 7 kids at home (plus a brand new grand baby!). You can find her in her little corner of the bloggy world at Life with 5 Monkies and always sharing on social media. After 8 years of blogging, Brandi likes to think her kids are well trained in the “Do not touch that box/food/toy/book until you’ve cleared it with mom” area of life. She’s only mildly addicted to coffee, loves a good book, and sharing her thoughts.

My City 4 Kids is India’s largest content platform for parents, especially Mums; attracting 8 million Mums every month. This includes a Mommy Blogger platform with close 1800 bloggers & experts, 15000 blogs and listings of 75,000 kids-related service providers and events across 9 cities. This page provides a platform for parents to share their own experiences with each other and benefit from the larger parent community.

Laure Latham
FrogMom inspires families to enjoy the outdoors, live healthy and explore the world. Believing that good food and physical activity are key to happiness, FrogMom offers ideas for unique adventures, active travel and outdoor fitness, as well as gear reviews, nature crafts, nutrition advice, seasonal recipes and book reviews. From ice swimming in the Arctic Circle to cycling with kids in Bangkok, FrogMom loves sharing and inspiring other families.

Diana Mancuso
Diana is a mother of two young children and works full-time as an elementary French teacher. She harbours a keen interest in educational technology and is a Microsoft Certified Educator, as well as a Google Certified Educator: Level 2. Her blog Toronto Teacher Mom first launched in 2006 and features articles on her family’s adventures as well as reviews on the latest and greatest.
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Sabina Green
Mummy Matters is a parenting and lifestyle blog sharing snippets of life from this blended family of six. Mummy Matters aka Sabina classes her ‘Beans’ as a spirited bunch each with their own unique personality and set of challenges. Parenting is never easy but it would be boring if it was. On Mummy Matters you’ll find lots of reviews on everything from the best nappies and baby gear to their favourite family car and days out.

Belinda Jennings
The Mum Central network connects over 700,000 women on parenting, lifestyle, fabulous giveaways, fashion, beauty, food and more! Their sister sites Australian Baby Bargains (preloved children’s marketplace) and Mum’s Pantry (food and home) round out the trio of parenting sites, connecting brands with readers online and especially via Social Media.
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Caroline Fernandez
Parent Club shares information to make life easier for busy families. Features include: family activities, food, travel, reviews, lifestyle, tech, and more!
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Leah Smileski
When the kids came along, Leah set about creating the ultimate Kid Bucket List which detailed all the things she hoped to experience with the two little ones before they hit high school. From exploring a cave to making a snowman, riding a camel and simply making pizzas, the Kid Bucket List grew to become a useful resource for other parents wanting to try something new with their kids.
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Jennifer Bath
Jbmumofone is a parenting and lifestyle blog written by jbmumofone, who clearly didn’t think her blog name through, now being a mum of two. Here she documents the ups, and more frequent, and often hilarious, downs of an average family life. She is a lover of all things crafty, a huge plan of learning through play and a clean eating enthusiast, although this doesn’t always sit well with her love of wine.

Alice Langley
Alice Langley is a travel blogger, writer and digital media manager. Her travel blog is online tale of her little family’s travels and adventures, showing wanderlust doesn’t have to stop just because family life starts.

Molly Forbes
A family lifestyle blog about mothering, adventuring, styling and everything in between. Written by Molly Forbes, journalist, vlogger and multi-tasker, Mother’s Always Right offers a refreshingly balanced and honest take on mum life with two small children in one of the most beautiful parts of the UK.

Jen Mclellan
Are you plus size and pregnant or a plus size mom? If so, this blog is just for you! Plus Size Mommy Memoirs helps women navigate the world of plus size pregnancy, shares tips for body love, and laughs along with the adventures of motherhood. This is a special blog and community for plus size women to support one another before, during and after pregnancy.

Natalie Trice
Natalie Trice is a Devon based author, publicist and writer who just happens to know a thing of two about blogging and social media. Her blog started life as ‘Just Because I Love’ but after packing up and moving from London to South Devon, she decided to rebrand and rename as ‘The Rebel Pebble’. Natalie is never happier than when she is on the beach with her sons and dogs, or when she is writing. With another book deal on the bag (two books) following on from the success of Cast Life, Natalie still plans to write her novel one day but in the meantime it’s all about the copy and the press releases. She blogs about health and beauty, there’s a splash of parenting and if she needs to get something off there chest, TRP is a red pen free platform that does the trick.

Charlotee is mummy to Bob (a little girl born in 2011) and Bow (a little boy born in 2015). Don’t worry, they are nicknames.
Her blog began in 2011 as a way to help her through the sleepless nights. It was mostly about babies and coping with the unexpected. Over the past 5 years it has grown and she has shared many experiences. It is now filled with baking, party planning, activities, adventures and family fun! Join her on their journey.

Stephy Sumner
Stephs Cheers and Jeers is a blog that highlights Stephy’s journey as a Wife, Step Mother, Pet Guardian and Chronic Pain Warrior. Her blog which was created in 2010, features helpful product reviews, recipes and helpful tips to help Parents, Pet Guardians and Consumers make the right choices for their family.

Claire is a self confessed chocoholic, handbag hoarder, and Gerard Butler enthusiast. Claire’s blog Life, Love and Dirty Dishes, is honest account of parenting, the good, the bad and the ugly side of life with small people and the amusing situations they put us in. Claire lives with her husband, two sons and a ton of Lego.

Bethanie Owen
Beth is a Welsh mum of 3 who lives with her partner and 3 children in a small village in North Wales. Life as Mum started a year after her second daughter was born and is a Family Lifestyle blog that covers various topics such as Parenting tips, their family adventures, places to visit/go, breastfeeding, fashion and much more. Life as Mum is a very honest blog that talks about the ups and downs of parenting.

Tinuke Bernard
Circus Mums is a personal parenting and lifestyle blog run by Tinuke, a full time working mum who has been trying to juggle work, parenting and all that falls in between the two for the last 8 years. She is based in the UK and shares honest stories on what it’s like to be a mum in a fast paced world.
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Meagan Shamy
Meagan Wristen is a freelance travel writer based in Portland, Oregon with her three kids. You can find her chronicling life as a single mom including their family travel adventures, food people can actually make, life after divorce – which includes a lot of cocktails, military life and more.

Spit Up is the New Black is a chronicle of change. When a twenty-something carefree fashionista Ashley entered the elite club of motherhood, she took to blogging to document her experiences as a new mom. Follow her as she navigates motherhood, while trying to remain stylish and sane.

Rachel is first and foremost a mum to 3 children whose oldest is 19 and whose youngest is less than a year old. However, she also writes a blog which has baby updates, life posts, fertility diaries, pregnancy diaries and other posts to do with the family. Her blog is definitely her fourth baby.

Nicole Schwarz
Nicole Schwarz, MA, LMFT is the owner of Imperfect Families, a Parent Coach, and mom to 3 girls. She focuses on empowering and supporting parents through those difficult phases and stages (without piling on the guilt). Learn more about positive parenting on her blog, in an e-course, or get together for a personalized parent coaching session.
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Therese Gilbert
Therese is a mum of 3 and a fully qualified ‘extended rear facing’ (ERF) car seat expert who blogs about in-car safety, car seats, tips, reviews, give-aways & advice. She is also a breast feeding advocate and gentle parenting promoter who loves cloth nappies, baby-wearing, BLW and co-sleeping/bed-sharing.
Her blog is filled with life saving information and she aims to help all families travel as safe as possible in the car.

Amy Webb
Amy Webb is the mother of two rambunctious young boys and wife to a wonderful man. When she’s not stepping on Legos or chasing down a toddler, she blogs at The Thoughtful Parent. This blog developed after she noticed in grad school that little academic child development information was available to real-life parents. The Thoughtful Parent brings child development information out of the ivory tower and into the hands of ordinary parents who can use it.

Claire Jacobs
Claire likes to show the good and bad of single parenting (but mainly the good). The blog covers her journey in all walks of life from parenting to trying to get healthy, sustain new relationships and even has tutorials for upcycling furniture and cooking!
She also has a Single Parent Spotlight, showing off all the working single parents and interviewing them to hear their experiences of single parent life.
Claire is a freelance social worker, journalist and blogger, and a single parent of a four year old.

Raisie Bay is a family and lifestyle blog written by Anne, a disabled mum of five. The blog records everyday life events and lots of baking of delicious recipes.
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Pam Baroro
Pam is one-half of a millennial, semi-digital nomadic family. When not writing about travel and digital marketing, she loves to go camping, hiking and backpacking with her partner and their four-year-old daughter. You can catch their family travel adventures at Hey, Miss Adventures!

Hilary Erickson
Pulling Curls is a blog for overwhelmed moms to find more joy and simplicity in the small moments in each day. If you want breakfast, lunch, dinner, laundry or even just cleaning your counters to go faster — we are the blog for you! Hilary is a part time labor and delivery nurse, full time mom and creator of the bestselling online Prenatal class When One Plus One Equals Three.
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Ashley Jennett
Ashley lives in Southern California with her husband and three boys and has been blogging since her oldest, now 6, was a baby. She considers her blog a photo journal comprised of her thoughts on motherhood and other life happenings, as well as some of her professional work as a photographer. If it isn’t funny today, chances are it will be in 10 years.
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Janine Dolan
Janine is originally from Germany and has been living in Ireland for the past 10 years. She is a mother of two and juggle parenting and a full-time job at the same time. Her blog focuses on parenting, lifestyle and the odd time travel. She also reviews products, writes about the developmental updates and much more.

Parental Parody
Parental Parody is the place for parents who need a laugh. Forget the touchy-feely parenting stories and helpful tips – this blog is all epic fails and sarcastic tales.
Georgia is quite confident Parental Parody will one day be used as evidence in her 3 children’s application for emancipation. Failing that, she’s living for the day when the nappy wearing is reversed, and she can get her own revenge.
Feeling like you’re not the best parent in the world? Go here and you’ll feel much better (and have a laugh). Trust me.

Lucinda Barton
A friendly website from the deepest Sussex countryside Lucinda’s blog is packed full of fun and interesting articles and reviews based around family life and getting outdoors, from winter boredom busters to fabulous summer expeditions. Also included is a nice lot of tried and tested gluten free recipes and new gluten free products.
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Danielle Esler
Working mum Danielle balances professional life as a doctor with three young kids. Bubs on the Move is her space for combining her professional and private lives. She loves sharing travel tips, great places to visit kids as well a dash of preventive health advice for good measure.

Lauren Paris
Gold Coast Mum blogger Lauren Paris is a mum of 4 in 3 years (including twins) who loves to blog – when she can – about all things parenting, general news, the world of twins, Australia’s Gold Coast & more. She’s also a multi-award-winning journalist and a magazine editor.
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Kellie Anderson
Kellie is the editor of Woman of Style and Substance and Managing Director of KMA Consulting. She is kept busy with three boys, Roxie the flat coated retriever, Max the shihpoo and Mister Meowgi their big, but not very bright, beautiful cat. Kellie enjoys the outdoors (especially the beach), music, movies, reading and spending time with family and friends.”
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Colleen Panzer
Colleen Panzer is a mother of three and an army wife who is getting her masters in special education. She is resourceful, creative, and strives to showcase the good and the bad of everyday life. Her blog is filled with stories, reviews, and tutorials that are down to earth and often written with a humorous tone. Colleen is currently based outside of Anchorage, AK and loves spending time in the beauty of nature with her family.

Laura Nelson
Laura is a parenting and lifestyle blogger who writes over at The Breastest News Blog. She is passionate about breastfeeding and autism but you’ll also find lots of lovely reviews, giveaways and tales of her little family’s travels around the UK and further afield. Helping her contribute to her blog is her ever patient partner, Kevin, along with two hyperactive kids, Logan and Harlow.

Lisa Bauman
Lisa is a lawyer turned stay at home cloth diapering, baby wearing mama, blogging about life with three little ones, crafting, healthy recipes, adventures (and misadventures) and natural living.
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Clare Nicholas
Clare, a former Nanny and now mum to two livewires shares her Nanny Tips and lifes adventures along with the inevitable misadventures. Realising Motherhood isn’t as easy when you can’t give them back at the end of the day!
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Nickie O’Hara
With one finger on the pulse and the other on the keyboard, Nickie O’Hara is not afraid to say it as she sees it. She works hard, is a true procrastinator, drinks wine, is occasionally published and is a Nana in her spare time. In the words of Raymond Babbitt: “She’s all sparkly. She looks like a holiday.” ​

Sarah Keetley
Sarah is the author of and a mum of three Princesses and one little Prince. She has always loved writing and wanted a place outside of her role as ‘MUM’ where she could be ‘Sarah’. Mischieviousmum is a blog about finding your voice in amongst the craziness of motherhood, and always looking for ways to enjoy the journey. She is an imperfect mother looking for ways to encourage other mums in their walks in life, who just want to be real and down to earth – because let’s face it, being a mum can be really hard some days.
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Larni Davies
Larni Davies lives in Hobart, Tasmania with her husband Nick, their dog Maisy and two young children – Poppy and James. Her blog is for sharing her experiences of being a mum, enjoying their Tasmanian days and all the things in life that she is inspired and intrigued by.
Their life is full of family and friends spending time together in their wonderful wild state. Larni also loves exploring the southern waters on their boat and the simple pleasures of catching fish, swimming and enjoying time together.
Larni’s professional background is in Tourism and educating young people to become Adventure Tour Guides. She loves being in the mountains and the wild places of Tasmania and beyond.
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These are the very best of the best parental bloggers out there and we hope you will enjoy their stories and experiences as we have. By offering us a glimpse into their lives, these bloggers have brought a smile to our faces or helped us overcome a frown. And this creates that feeling of not being alone when times are difficult or having support when we are uncertain.
Your Thoughts:
Obviously, there are a lot more women in blogging today. If you know anyone whose blog has helped you in the same way, feel free to message us and we can consider them for inclusion on our exclusive list.

Garima Manishi
Garima Manishi is a freelance writer, professional mommy blogger, and mumpreneur.