Winners! Top Parenting Bloggers
Motherhood can sometimes be overwhelming and isolating especially if this is your first time. We asked top mom bloggers to share with us a tip they think will be useful for our readers & they have shared useful tips and tricks to tackle kids and deal with their behavior.
We have received tips from potty training to keeping nappy bag clean, limiting the TV time to developing good food habits and wearing regular clothes to maternity dress. One of the mom shared her strategy of ‘warning follow through method’ to deal with behavior issues. Another mom blogger shared how to set realistic expectations from the kids. Some of the bloggers shared how they believe each mom should trust their instincts despite of everyone’s suggestions.
So without any further ado, below is a consolidated list of top tips and tricks from top parenting bloggers. Few of the top bloggers could not provide the tip so we included their bio instead. Enjoy 😊

Clare Nicholas
Tip: Clare, a former Nanny and now mum to two livewires shares her Nanny Tips and lifes adventures along with the inevitable misadventures. Realising Motherhood isn’t as easy when you can’t give them back at the end of the day!
Her top parenting tip is trust your instincts. There will be so many people trying to offer advice on the best way to do things BUT their best way may not work for you and your baby/children. Take on board some advice but adapt to fit your own style. There is no rule book and one size fits all in the parenting world.

Emmys Mummy
Tip: Her top parenting tip is trust your instincts. There will be so many people trying to offer advice on the best way to do things BUT their best way may not work for you and your baby/children. Take on board some advice but adapt to fit your own style. There is no rule book and one size fits all in the parenting world.

Jo Middleton
Bio: Jo Middleton is the creator of the award-winning blog Slummy Single Mummy. She is mum to two daughters and guardian of three cats and writes about everything from pension planning to why she thinks salted caramel flavoured things should get in the bin. Her tongue in cheek wit have won her a strong following, and readers love her honest, funny outlook on life. Jo’s debut novel, Playgroups & Prosecco, is out in spring 2019.

Daily Mom
Tip: We here at Daily Mom believe that trusting your gut is the best piece of parenting advice we could give. From how to feed your baby to their overall health and emotional needs, moms and adds have an innate ability to understand just what their children need from birth and beyond.
Research is always key, which is why we provide research-based articles on all things parenting, but in the end only you can make the right decision for your kids. A few other of our favorite tips: always keep coffee handy, remember that parenting is a bunch of phases stitched together, and don’t be afraid to not like every second of parenting.

Jennipher Walters
Tip: There’s a million pieces of parenting advice out there, but there’s only one baby and kiddo like yours — and you know them best. So don’t doubt that. Listen to your gut, trust your instincts, reach for support and know that you got this. Even when it’s hard and it feels like everything you’re doing isn’t working, your best is enough.

Emma Tustian
Bio: Emma is a farmers wife, mum of one and project manager, blogging at Bubbablue and me. She shares family lifestyle and parenting posts which aim to help mums to life a guilt free family lifestyle and enjoy their children more. The blog helps parents understand what primary school life is really like, providing hints and tips for parenting school age children, with a dose of UK travel and camping to make the most of family down time. Expect down to earth, easy parenting style discussion and great photography.

Hilary Erickson
Tip: My best advice for parents is that you got that baby for a reason. It’s our job, in the 18 years (or more) that they live at our house is to find your characteristics that will help strengthen them into the child they want to be. It’s also our job to listen to OUR instincts about OUR child. Just becuase someone does something one way, doesn’t mean that you have to do it that way as well. Listen to your mommy gut and stay true to the relationship you’ve built.

Mirka Moore
Tip: I am known as a jet-setter and often blog about family travel on my blog. When travelling with babies and toddlers on the plane, breastfeeding while taking off and landing can help them with the pressure changes. Also make sure you pack some spare clothes not only for your little one, but for yourself too.
Plan your journey and make sure you get to the airport in plenty of time before so you don’t have to run/tush and stress. Children pick up on their parents’ moods quickly and there is nothing worse than starting a holiday with a stressful sprint to the gates not to miss your plane.

Gabriella Ribeiro
Tip: Take care of YOU. So many of us as moms put ourselves, last, we work to ensure everyone else’s comfort is paramount to our own and the truth is, if we’re elevated and refreshed in our minds, bodies and souls, we are able to expend much more effective effort in every other facet of our life. Whether it is 10 minutes of deep breathing, a massage, a manicure or even 15 minutes to read a magazine, we must take care of ourselves to be better for others.

Rachel Simons
Tip: Although you will only need to do it once or twice is; As soon as your baby is born and just before a nappy is placed on them. Put a layer of Vaseline on their bottom. This was a little tip a midwife shared with me to make the ‘black tar poo’ nappy easier to clean up. It worked a treat for us.

Sabina Green
Tip: Limit Screen Time – up until a couple of years ago I allowed my children to watch TV before school (if they were ready to go), they could watch TV or play on their tablets after school if their homework was done but it had to be off an hour before school.
Over a period of a few months I found that the children were increasingly argumentative with each other and with me, they were short tempered and unhelpful around the home so I decided something needed to change.
I noticed that they were worse after ‘screen time’ so I banned all screens in a morning and they were only allowed two hours after school if they had completed their homework. Almost immediately I saw the change in them; they would play toys together or do crafts, they played board games and helped to do jobs around the home. The morning fights stopped and the aggression levels did generally. We always say no screens for an hour before bed and this helps their brains to relax before sleep. Best decision ever!

Afra Willmore
Tip: As a mum to seven children, 5 boys and two girls, I’m often asked for parenting tips. As you can imagine I have many but the one which seems most popular is my tip on how to help toddlers who are reluctant to poo on the potty.
I figured out that my children often saved up their “number two’s” for when they had their nappies or pants on. We’ve all seen them hiding in a corner, behind the curtains or a chair straining only seconds after you’ve given up on the potty session.
My top tip is to lay paper kitchen roll over the potty before they sit on it. Use around three squares and leave them attached to each other so they drape slightly over the sides of the potty but are flat across the top part. Then when they sit they can feel the paper under their bottoms.
For some reason having something there seems to help them get over their potty poo phobia. You should only need to do this a couple of times before they will happily perform without the paper.

Bio: I Like Beer and Babies is a blog that is a silly waste of both your time and the author’s. But what isn’t, really? It is to be taken with a grain of salt and a shot of tequila (after you deliver, of course). The author is the wrangler of a little girl who wears glasses and a fuzzy pink eye patch and a little boy who does neither.
In her real life, she makes words sound good. In her superhero life, she saves kittens from burning buildings. She has a horrible habit of giving her honest opinions when they are not asked for. Her parents think she is weird. They are right. The author enjoys a dry sense of humor and a buttery chardonnay, preferably mixed together.

Jhanis Vincentte
Tip: Never compare yourself with how others parent their kids. It is so easy to let ourselves feel guilty just because we are unable to buy the things that other moms are buying for their children, we feel guilty because Susan is homeschooling her kids and we are not, or we feel guilty because the only way we can ensure that our kids eat on time is to rely on food delivery or take-out.
We all do things differently depending on our current situation but that doesn’t mean that what we are doing is less than the others. If you are doing your best then that is more than enough. Chill, mama. You got this.

Helen Neale
Tip: That someone gave me as a mum was to try not to worry about the mistakes we make as parents. Everyone makes them, and there is no such thing as a perfect parents. The only way we learn is to make mistakes, and grow as a result. So don’t worry, just enjoy. And when you make those mistakes, which you inevitably will, learn from them, and move on!

Angeline Acain
Tip: A good tip for parents in the LGBTQ community (and straight parents) is to make sure your legal paperwork is completed. Most important if you are the non-biological parent or not the legal adoptive parent make sure to legally adopt your child. This ensures you have legal rights to your child’s welfare. When in love, couples don’t think about breaking up. But it can happen and you want to ensure you have the legal right to raise your child. For same gender couples, having both names on the birth certificate or a legal marriage certificate from your state does not ensure legal protection for the non-biological parent or non-adoptive parent.
Also, have your wills completed and include guardians for your underage child. Lastly have valid passports for all family members. A valid passport is important especially if there are family members that were born in another country. If you have a child born in another country make sure to complete their citizenship paperwork. Having legal paperwork in place will make your family life more secure.

Amy Webb
Tip: The parenting tip that has been most useful for me is the idea of considering your child’s temperament when you look at their behavior. Sometimes behavior that may seem like misbehavior to us, has an underlying temperamental aspect. For example, your child throwing a tantrum at a loud, busy play area may just be due to the fact that she is sensitive to overstimulation. I child who is a picky eater may have a temperament that is prone to sensitivities to taste, touch, etc.
The key point is to try to understand the cause of the behavior before you jump to discipline. This approach will not only help you approach your child with empathy and understanding but also solidify your bond with your child.

Suzanne Robinson
Tip: Suzanne is a mum to three kids – identical twin girls and a toddler boy – and has been blogging for over ten years.
Mummy to Twins Plus One is a blog that covers parenting wins & fails, funny stories, craft, recipes, and much more. Please stop by the blog to say hi and see what we have been up to.
One HUGE TIP from Suzanne: As a mother you cannot do it all. One big tip is to be happy with getting one thing done a day, no matter how small the task is. Don’t beat yourself up if you cannot get to your to do list due to kids being sick or clingy. I had it in my head that I had a full day to do things, but I never factored in the actual real hours that I have to myself. In reality there are very few hours, if all goes well, that you can do anything.
As long as everyone is fed, warm, in clean clothes, and happy, all will work itself out. Oh, and if your friends and family offer help, accept it!

Susan K Mann
Bio: Susan K Mann is a parent blogger with three young children working out of Scotland. She’s been nominated for several awards and regularly attends blogging seminars – you can read more of her writing on all aspects of parenting including travel, health and recipes by visiting her blog.

Dr Danielle Esler
Tip: The pressures on mothers in our modern society are phenomenal. In general many of us do it tough and alone. It takes a village, but there are no villages. My advice is early (ideally before bub arrives) to everything you can to connect with community, ask for help, outsource what you can, and, if you have a partner, be explicit about what you expect of your partner in the parenting journey. Eg phrases like “I am baby sitting my kids” should NOT be tolerated.

Karen Faulkner
Tip: There is a science behind sleep training and it follows a typical pattern. You should expect initially to encounter natural resistance, it’s very normal. Day 1 they will protest a lot but day two can be easier. Day 3-4 will often see an escalation of behaviour (loud crying) and unfortunately that’s when most parents decide that sleep training isn’t working and give up. To achieve success with sleep training it is crucial to be consistent and persistent with your method– that means not giving in. Within 7 to 10 days most babies will have amazing sleep habits.
Karen is a registered midwife of 30 years and nurse who has been blogging for 8 years and has been helping parents with their baby and toddler sleep for 20 years. She has recently launched an online sleep program which includes all her secrets for a good nights sleep (kind and gentle sleep training methods using attachment psychology).

Sarah Keetley
Tip: My parenting tip is to put all your kids toys in crates and put them out of reach of your kids. Our kids had heaps of toys when they were younger, so this worked well for us. We they were allowed one crate at a time. When the finished playing with those toys, they could ask for a new box, but they had to pack up the crate before they got the new one. I found they played well with all the toys because they weren’t overwhelmed with choice. We had 6 crates and a cupboard they couldn’t access without help. The best thing was that it didn’t take long to clean up at the end of the day.

Molly Thornberg
Tip: The best parenting tip that I have is to embrace YOUR style of parenting. Find YOUR groove, don’t worry how other families are raising their kids. You do you.
As a first time mom, I remember the constant stress I would put on myself trying to be the perfect parent. The books, the websites, the blogs – all telling me to do this and that. While yes, these are resourceful to know how others are parenting, there is no instruction manual for being a parent. You have to learn different styles but find what works for your family. There is no template or manual for parenting.
4 kids later, I can tell you that I have failed at the mission of being the perfect parent, and that I am TOTALLY good with. What I AM is the perfect parent for my kids. Each of my kids is totally different, which requires a different parenting style for each. What works for me, may not work for you – and that’s 100% okay.
Molly Thornberg is a creator of many things, including her 4 kids and the Digital Mom Blog website. Digital Mom Blog is a hub for all things parenting and technology.

Michal Johnson
Tip: The most important thing you mustn’t forget.
Caring for people can be exhausting! Especially dependent little people. In all the chaos and the craziness, you must remember not to give all of yourself away.
Aside from being a parent, a carer, a partner or spouse, employee or employer, there is a part of you that is just you. The part that finds things funny, sad or frustrating, the part that had ambitions and goals.
Acknowledge that part and be kind to that part. Give it some attention too.
If you’re empty, whatever you give away will be empty too.
Be kind to yourself, spend some time on you.
Even if it means just taking five minutes out and hiding in the loo to have a chocolate bar!

Gina Badalaty
Tip: One issue that was critical for my family was finding out that our children had food sensitivities and allergies. My children were both negatively impacted by dairy but I didn’t know that until we took it out of our diet.
Milk was what kept our autistic daughter up at night and was the source of our older daughter’s severe sinus allergies. She has Down syndrome so we were always told allergies were common.
It only took two weeks to see a huge difference in their health after removing all dairy products. There are plenty of vegetables and other foods that can provide calcium if you discover your children are sensitive or mildly allergic to milk.

Vidya Sury
Tip: I have learned that the most important things with being a Mom are communication, listening, empathy, and flexibility. This helped me deal with almost every situation. Nobody’s perfect. And I believe that nobody has to be. Also, it is important to be realistic with expectations as this can eliminate most rough spots in the parenting journey.

Olga Parker
Tip: Breast milk supply after labor:
Before pregnancy and when pregnant I was sure that I would have no any problems with my lactation.
When my child was born, everything was ideal – he was eating colostrum for five days and then breast milk production began. Everything was the way it should be. But my baby was spending all the time at the breasts and crying very often. The next time our pediatrician visited us, she told me that I had very little breast milk. I was shocked. Why did my milk begin to drop? The doctor’s advice was something like that: low breast milk supply? Baby formula to the rescue!
My husband’s sister told me to buy a breast pump and use it every 3 hours, even at night. So, I did it! My breast milk came back to me! I pumped frequently during the daytime, even if there were a couple of drops of milk in the breasts.
At that time I was ill and my midwife told my how to differ fever with cold from the one with breast milk production: measure temperature in the elbow joint and then under arm. If the temperature is higher under arm, it means breast milk is being produced.

Elayna Fernandez
Bio: Elayna Fernández, known worldwide for her blog,, is a Latina Storyteller, award-winning Story Strategist, and avid student of pain. Certified as a coach and master teacher and trainer, Elayna helps moms create positive growth in the areas of motherhood, mindset, and mompreneurship (mom entrepreneurship). Her philosophy is BE Positive and You’ll BE Powerful!

Uju Asika
Bio: Uju is Babe-in-chief at Babes about Town, a blog that aims to help parents recover their cool and recapture some of the buzz of big city life. She writes about fun things to do in London and beyond with kids ages 0-12, from theatre and restaurants, to family raves and festivals. Uju is also a screenwriter, author-in-progress, and founder at Mothers and Shakers, a network for bloggers and parent-driven businesses who want to grow their online presence.
Her best parenting tip is to embrace the chaos, because these days will fly by faster than you know!

Karen Gee
Tip – If you’re thinking of cycling with your child for the first time and are feeling nervous please don’t worry – this is perfectly natural! I find it always helps to practise first. If you’re carrying your child in a bike seat, trailer or cargo bike for the first time then load up with a large bag of potatoes and test out how the extra weight feels. Learn how to stop and dismount safely before you bring your little one along.
If your child is slightly older and pedalling themselves, then it is useful to test out a new route in advance, especially if it involves riding on road. It helps if you know where you’re going and any points along the route where you may need to dismount and push.
If you’re a total novice to cycling and want to keep up with your kids, then it can really help to get some lessons so you can build your confidence before you cycle with them.
Always remember to keep your bike rides fun and relaxed, that way everyone will have a great time.

My Curvy Mummy Life
Bio: I’m Samar… you say it like Summer. The blogging world took me in at a time in my life where I was finally ready to take charge. I had overcome my first time mumma struggles and became a Mum of Two – #boymumma. Then I started my Mumlife Blog. I was on a mission to start something for myself with the intention of it becoming a Work from home Job!
I love to challenge myself to try something new when the opportunity arises. So I’ve expanded my blog into a Mumlife Forum and an Online Store… All in one!

Tanita Taylor
Tip: I think the best parenting tip you can give a new parent or any parent for that matter is, to try your best to be the best parent you can be everyday. I think that’s the most important advice and don’t judge yourself you are doing an amazing job!
Don’t sweat the small stuff and take time out for yourself and partner as much as you can so that you can keep being the best parents you can be to your children. And remember no one is perfect we are all just trying our best and trust your instincts they are always right.

Kate Tunstall
Tip: My top parenting tip is to always bear in mind that the only expert on your baby, is you. By all means take advantage of any support on offer, and of course always seek advice from a health professional if your baby is unwell – but don’t underestimate the power of your instincts either.
Doing things differently to the previous generation or even to peers does not equate to doing it ‘wrong’. If it feels right for your family and it’s not harming anyone then your way is perfect for you.

Jane Arschavir
Bio: Jane Arschavir has been blogging at HodgePodgeDays since 2013. In that time she has discovered a love of baking and crafts, as well as learning a lot about being a mum. Together with her husband, son and sprocker, Penny; Team HodgePodgeDays enjoy writing about travel and days out.
They’re never too far from a good book, mixing bowl or a large box of tissue paper and glue. Give HodgePodgeDays a follow for some non-standard family fun.

Meagan Wristen
Bio: Meagan Wristen is the author and host of Mommy Travels, a travel and lifestyle blog. Meagan has been traveling the world with her three children for more than a decade.
Tip: Be flexible. When traveling with kids anything can happen. Instead of stressing out when things don’t go the way they should, just go with flow.

Scarlet Paolicchi
Tip: I like sharing a wide variety of parenting tips from various experts because I think that parenting is not a one size fits all type of thing- especially when it comes to caring for babies. There will always be lots of opinions on things so it is important to do some research and find what resonates with you.
The most important thing about parenting is providing your child with love and support so that they can explore the world around them and know they can always come back to you for hugs, safety, and advice. I also enjoy sharing recipes, crafts, eco tips, and family travel ideas.

Janel Case
Tip: Trust your parenting instincts! There is an abundance of parenting advice, but every family and every child is different. Go with your gut instincts and trust yourself to know what is best for your family. It’s okay to see advice and ideas from others, but ultimately you’re their mom and know your little ones better than anyone else in the world.

Tina Bailey
Tip: If there’s one thing I wish I had been told when I was a new mum, it’s definitely, “Mum know best”. My daughter was really poorly for months. Constantly being sick, not sleeping at all, screaming around the clock. The Doctors kept fobbing me off, saying it was “just” colic and it would pass.
Five months of hell later, we found out she had a severe dairy and soya protein intolerance, so my dairy heavy breast milk was making her sick. I knew it was more than “just” colic, as my son had that and was nowhere near as distressed as my daughter. So my tip is definitely follow your instinct. If you’re not happy with your GP’s opinion, see someone else. Visit A&E if you have to.

Kristen Howerton
Tip: How to help kids love reading:
Let book-reading be a treat. We allow all of our kids to have book lights in their room, and they are allowed to stay up as late as they want if they’re reading. Sure, it may not be the best strategy for getting sleep, but we accommodate for that by putting them to bed a little bit early. It gives me great pleasure to hear my kids clicking off the reading light an hour after laying down, because I know that they have been enjoying a good book.
In our home, we have books in every room. Each child has a bookshelf in the room, and also each child has a bin or space for books right next to their bed. In our family, books are an anytime thing. We want the kids to feel free to read all the time.

Cherise Kachelmuss
Tip: My parenting tip is to always do what is best for your family. Everyone will give you advice but don’t feel bad if you don’t use their advice, just smile and say thanks. Every family is unique and you should never feel like you need to apologize for doing what is best for your family.

The Wacky Duo
Tip: Remember this when you decide to embark on a life with another .
A Wedding is an event, a marriage is a journey, parenthood is a blessing and family is the reward.
Do not fret or worry too much about parenting. Instead cherish the moments you have with your child. Make a much memories as you can with them.
Moments are fleeting, memories are not!

Kirstie Pelling
Tip: There is no lower or upper age for adventuring with your kids. We loaded ours into canoes and bicycle trailers as toddlers. (in fact we took a gap year and biked New Zealand when they were little.) The only limit is in your imagination. Babies are very easy to cater for on the road, the outdoor environment stimulates their senses and when they are tired the motion of travelling often lulls them to sleep. Pop them in a backpack or trailer and give them an adventure.

Laura Dove
Bio: Five Little Doves is written by Laura, wife of one and Mum of five. Laura shares posts on family lifestyle and travel, all whilst raising awareness of the subjects close to her heart – stillbirth, miscarriage, mental health and chronic illness. Her blog has been described as honest, heart-warming and her children, nothing short of a miracle.

Katy Stevens
Bio: Katy is a 30-something parent from Essex. Katy blogs about personal finance, parenting and family lifestyle. Katy loves to help people make the most of their money, whether that is choosing a pension, learning how to save money around the home or choosing great value products for the littlest family members.

Shari Wakefield
Tip: Don’t compare yourself to others. In this world, where we are always looking to social media – don’t compare yourself to anyone else. We are all trying to do our best and make the best decisions for our unique family, in our unique situation, in that unique moment of our lives.
Shari is a mum to three boys and is currently pregnant with her fourth. She juggles motherhood with working full time and just wants to fuel her family with healthy food that is guaranteed to be eaten. She believes in one family meal, served at the dinner table, that creates minimal washing up and smiles on adults and children alike.

Reneé Davis
Tip: My biggest piece of advice for a new parent is to always ALWAYS trust your instincts. It can feel like we’re discouraged to use our greatest asset every step of the way, pretty much from the day our new baby is born. If we suspect our child might be on the autistic spectrum (as my eldest is) then our instincts become even more valuable. Inevitably the diagnosis process will involve coming up against people who undermine what we know deep down, and it’s vital to not allow ourselves to be railroaded by them. Best of luck, and lots of love.
Wife and Mum of three Reneé Davis blogs at MummyTries about the non-sugar coated ups and downs of family life. Among other things, Reneé is a home educator, autism mama, mental health advocate and real food enthusiast. As the survivor of a dysfunctional childhood, she has undergone quite a journey to ensure her children have a better start to life than the one she had. Her memoir/self-help book Become the Best You has lots of practical advice to help others break cycles of negativity and dysfunction. Reneé is currently working on her first novel When the Stars Weep, which details one woman’s roller coaster ride through motherhood and mental health.

Jade Lloyd
Tip: Parenting can be incredible, and tough. Be kind to yourself (and others). We are all different. The perfect mother? She is fiction. I wished I had another parent to hit me in the face with a soggy nappy and say, ‘You can get through this, it’s OK if you are wearing yesterday’s pants’. NEVER Google anything at 2am.
The longer you spend cooking for your child, the less they will like the result. Also, the later you stay up, the earlier your child will get up the next morning. Rationality and logic go out the window with 8 hours sleep a night.

Karen Reekie
Tip: I don’t have a specific tip but my advice would be – parenting is the hardest thing you will ever do, but you are the right parent for your kids, and what you do, and what works for you and your family is the right thing, and it will be ok, don’t let anyone else make you feel like you are doing a bad job, because they are doing things differently. Also, remember that in order to be the best parent you can be, you need to look after yourself.

Fariba Soetan
Bio: Welcome to Mixed.Up.Mama- a no-holds-barred look at parenting mixed race or multiracial children.
I’m a thirty-something mum of three girls, aged 7, 5 and 3. I am of mixed heritage myself- Iranian and English- grew up in Canada and am now navigating the journey of raising a mixed race family in London, England.
I use this blog to inspire others, give tips and tricks for cultivating positive identity and overall, I help to create a community of parents and Mums navigating a related road raising interracial kids or who would just like to have encouragement from reading about similar experiences. It’s food for thought, ideas for living genuinely and inspiration for raising mixed kids.

Lucy At Home
Tip: If you want to move away from the “shouty mum” stereotype, then my big tip is to have a two-step discipline plan:
1. GIVE A WARNING: say what they’ve done wrong, what you expect instead, and what will
happen if they do it again (a consequence)
2. FOLLOW THROUGH: go through with the consequence that you mentioned in your warning
In my experience, Shouty Mum appears when you’ve reached the end of your tether.
The Warning-FollowThrough method deals with the behaviour before you have to get worked up and frustrated.
It might feel strict at first because you only give one “chance”, but dealing with the behaviour while you’re still calm means you’ll be gentler and fairer.
I passionately believe that if we’re fair and respectful to our kids, they’ll grow up kinder and more confident of their worth and abilities.
The Warning-FollowThrough method means kids know exactly what is expected of them and parents have time to think of a reasonable, fair consequence rather than lashing out.
There is a mutual respect.
My blog is dedicated to this style of gentle parenting and respectful discipline so please pop over to to find out more.

Olivia Anderson
Tip: After recently travelling alone with our four boys to South Africa, my top tip for life with kids has been confirmed – keep your expectations low! Don’t get me wrong, motherhood has brought me more happiness and laughter than I could have imagined, but the day to day grind is hard.
For busy days (especially travelling), plan well, have supplies at the ready but don’t expect your kids to behave like adults. They will whinge & wriggle & resist, that is what kids do, so learn to roll with it. This makes for much less stress for all.

Mummy Confessions
Tip: Parenting and motherhood isn’t always glorious from the very first moment until the end! If you are struggling with any part of motherhood or parenting (breastfeeding, to crying babies, to the teenage years and beyond), there is no shame in asking for support, help, or advice. Surround yourself with people who support, encourage and help you grow. You can find them in person, on the phone, in blogs, or on the internet. We have the luxury of so many resources at our fingertips- use them (and take advice from everyone with a grain of salt)!
Another top tip is to always keep the phone number for a 24/7 chemist available. They can answer questions about dosage, medicine combinations, and other medicine related questions- and a place to run when your baby needs panadol at 3AM.

Julia Hasche
Tip: When you have a baby there is so much conflicting advice on what you ‘should’ or ‘should not’ be doing. I think it’s easy for new mums to feel overwhelmed and worried they are doing the wrong thing, particularly when there are so many (and yes, usually good intentioned) people telling you what and what not to do.
At the end of the day though, it doesn’t matter what your friend, neighbour, or mother in law says, you’ve got to trust your gut. You know your baby, and you do what’s best for your family.

Chloe Gross
Tip: When it comes to vacation time the biggest worry on most mum’s minds is how to survive the flight. I love the acronym S.A.S, it stands for snacks, activities and sleep aids. These are the three things that are going to save your ass with keeping your toddler entertained and contained to the best of your ability. Out of all the fights we have taken with our kids the most successful ones have been when we bring tonnes of their favourite snacks and meals with us!
As far as activities go it is so important to have new and engaging activities. You can hit up the dollar store or buy a premade kid’s plane bag but it should be filled with things that they haven’t seen or played with recently. Lastly, you need sleep aids. On a long haul flight it is so helpful for your child to be able to fall asleep comfortably and stay asleep.
We like to take along a Plane Pal or JetKids Bedbox which creates a sort of toddler sized bed out of the legroom in front of their seats. This and a blanket will hopefully ensure a restful flight for mum and toddler!

Mummy Whisperer
Tip: 1. Don’t worry it won’t be like this forever: Children go through many phases, all have their pro’s and con’s, but the good news is that even the most difficult phases do pass. Just keep the faith in them when it’s a more ‘tantrumy’ phase and focus on their potential and who you know they can grow into.
2. But remember it won’t be like this forever: I recommend embracing journalling as the years pass quickly and suddenly you panic that they passed you by. Not to make something that takes too long or is instagram perfect. But to record how you felt, the achievements and challenges, funny pictures and special adventures. Basically a notebook with plain paper (thicker paper is better if you want to use colouring pens). It can also help you deal with the stresses of life by getting them out of your head.

Adriel Booker
Bio: Adriel Booker is an author, speaker, and advocate based in Sydney, Australia who believes storytelling, beauty, and grace will change the world. She’s become a trusted voice in areas of motherhood and parenting, Christian spirituality, and global women’s issues.
Adriel is also known for her work with the Love A Mama Collective—serving under-resourced women in developing nations through safe birth initiatives—as well as her years spent as a leadership coach and Bible teacher in YWAM, local churches, and conferences. Her latest book is Grace Like Scarlett: Grieving with Hope after Miscarriage and Loss and she’s also released a free guide on how to journal through grief.

Anne Johnson
Tip: I’d love to be able to flick a switch, turn the knob to ‘ON’ and create a perfect day. Anyone with little ones will tell me I’m dreaming. But actually, music works almost as well. Sure… soft music and lullabies will calm and soothe but I’ve discovered it can do more. If I see unhappy, even grumpy little faces I put on some bright funky music I know they love and dance away those blues… you know how they love to dance with you. Need to get out of the house quickly? Change the music to upbeat, quick-time tunes and you’d be surprised how quickly everyone moves. And, when I desperately need to put my feet up with a cup of coffee, I put out some quiet activities and add some favourite tunes to the mix… but quietly.. quietly. Give it a try!

Natalie Trew
Tip: Mother’s instinct is always right:
I am a mother of three beautiful children, two of whom have Tourette’s Syndrome. I’m also a Special Education Teacher, so my background knowledge of children with special needs was quite extensive by the time I had my own children. I knew for a long time that there was something not right about my two TS babies and I didn’t stop until I got answers.
I do believe that if I had of ignored what was going on and didn’t follow through with the signs and symptoms they were displaying, we wouldn’t be where we are today. Because of an early diagnosis, my daughter even younger than my son, they function so well in school and society and I couldn’t be more proud of them. Early intervention is the key to success. If your gut is telling you that something is not right with your child, don’t ignore not and follow it up!

Michelle Pannell
Tip: Don’t wait for your child to come to you or for them to be in the middle of puberty before you have any relevant conversations with them. You can start the preparation for these kind of teen talks right from when they are small. Make sure you call their body parts their real names, for example, girls have a vagina not a ‘noo noo’ or a ‘ninny’. By giving them their correct names, you give your child power and authority over their own body.
When your toddler asks where a baby comes from, give them a brief but not graphic description and something I found worked well with tricky questions was to bat it back to them. My son always questioned me loads and I’d say to him ‘I can answer that honestly for you, do you feel ready to hear the answer?’. Very often he’d say no and disappear off to play, getting me out of the fix until he was a little older.

Mum of Three World
Bio: Sarah blogs about family life with three teenagers – two boys and a girl. From impending adulthood and exams to school sport, ballet and puberty, no topic is too big or too small. Parenting three teenagers isn’t for the faint-hearted, so Sarah runs to keep sane and blogs about everything from marathon training to parkrun.

Robin Kramer
Tip: My advice is simple: just love your kids. It’s inevitable that you’ll question your parenting decisions or worry that you’re doing things wrong. Give yourself grace in these moments. What your children need most is YOU. Just love them. They’re your kids — and you’re their parents — by design. When parenting seems overly exhausting and complicated, focus on what’s most important: loving them. That is enough. That’s what they’ll remember.

Jaki Jelley
Bio: I’m a Jaki and I’m a thirtysomething Mama to one 6 year old. The focus of my blog is on ‘being me whilst still being Mum’. Along with ‘Mum’ and ‘parenting’ related topics, you will find many lifestyle and family related articles on my blog. I particularly have a passion for all things home and interiors – well as parents we spend a lot of time at home, we may as well make it look nice, right?! I’m looking forward to having you visit my site. Do get in touch to say hello!

Mia Wenjen
Tip: Studies show that it’s important to start reading to kids as early as birth! Really! Babies are drawn to the sound of your voice and to the lyrical quality of children’s books. Make a habit to read 15 minutes a day with your children. Try picture books if your children are different ages. There is something for everyone in picture books.

Monica Froese
Tip: The only judge whether or not you are a good parent is your kid. They are a reflection of your parenting. Stop letting outside noise cloud your judgement regarding what’s best for your family. Follow your own values and trust your own instincts to know what is the right thing to do for your child and yourself.

Nicole Ray
Tip: Planning Your Child’s Bedroom.
Your baby’s room is a sacred space. You will spend many hours in this space with your little love so it is important to design a practical and joyous space. Invest in quality furniture that will last. It will save you money in the long run. Avoid trends and fads. Choose based on quality and a proven aesthetic that suits your home.
You can update prints and soft furnishings as your child grows and their taste change. Use storage boxes and the cupboards to store toys – just keep a few favourites on display. This will reduce the feeling of clutter and make tidying far easier. Lastly, enjoy the room! Play in there with your children often. Snuggle on the bed and read books. Nurture and cherish all the joy you create.

Shona Mackin
Bio: Shona Mackin is the mum behind the blog Mum Moments and a WFAM – Work from anywhere Mum. Mum moments started as a site for new mums to share their experiences and as a places to capture various parenting tips and tricks from around the web. These days its less external tips and more moments as the chaos reduces and we roll with the general flow of parenting. Mum to a little boy and a fur baby giant Bernese Mountain Dog we’ve travelled around Australia and are now living in London. These days it’s a life of school runs, running a business from anywhere, world travel, expat life and dog walking.

Dr. Hemapriya Natesan
Tip: Dealing with a Fussy Eater:
As soon as babies hit their first birthday and officially become toddlers, it seems to give them automatic entry to the ‘Fussy Eaters Club’! They turn up their nose at old favorites, refuse to try new things and seem to survive on a single food alone for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
All this is part of normal development, and is a phase that’ll pass eventually. Parents can ensure adequate nutrition by offering a variety of foods at each meal, without forcing them to finish the plate. Food can also be made attractive, with the help of cookie cutters and colorful elements. Get the child a plate and cup with their favorite character on it, and let them eat at the table along with the rest of the family.
Along with establishing good table manners, your child will soon learn to eat different kinds of foods and grow up strong and healthy.

Lucy Campbell
Tip: We have put too much pressure on ourselves as women to have it all. How did we let it become so complicated and yet another source of guilt? STOP FEELING GUILTY, guilt is a wasted emotion. We want to be running our career and hand making invitations for our children’s birthday parties but thankfully there is no such thing as a Supermum and none of us can have it all without everything becoming a burden. Parenting today is difficult enough and not helped by the aspirational parenting depicted on Instagram. We need to lose our obsession with perfectionism whereby we are told we can do anything we want as long as we work hard and we can also have the dream career.
My parents were just pleased that we all managed to stay alive, feeding and watering us occasionally, whereas today’s parents are meant to be wholly responsible for making sure our children’s academic, emotional, psychological, mental, spiritual, physical, nutritional and social needs are met while being careful not to overstimulate, under stimulate, improperly medicate or neglect them, be liberal, keep them informed, raise questioning individuals who will challenge wrongdoing, be gender neutral, limit their screen time, make sure they understand personal space in a processed foods-free, plastic-free, body positive, socially conscious, sustainable, egalitarian but also authoritative, pesticide-free, multilingual home. It is insane. We need to start appreciating our power and behaving more like men in order to work out how to live happy life and to do that we need to stop putting our own need’s behind everyone else’s.
Oh, and remember to enjoy every minute – those younger years are all over before you know it.

Maggy Woodley
Tip: Be sure to think through any traditions you start. E.g. once the tooth fairy writes a little message and leaves footprints and a gift and.. and.. and.. you will be stuck with honouring this tradition for YEARS to come. Keep parenting simple. Do have fun, but keep it simple!

Darci Bean
Bio: Darci is a 35 year old lifestyle/mommy blogger at Everything Mommyhood. Darci is a single mom to two girls, Olivia, age 7 and Delilah, age 10, as well as two guinea pigs, Peppa and Suzy. She’s been blogging for over 9 years now, and is also a social media manager for several companies, as well as a campaign manager. When she’s not working at home, she loves traveling, cooking, going to the beach, going to concerts, shopping, and drinking wine. She resides just outside of Columbia, SC, although she grew up in Tampa, FL. Darci believes in helping and lifting up others to show them the positives in life. She’s also an active member of her church, helps with church events through the Knights of Columbus, and enjoys bible study.
Obviously, there are a lot more great bloggers in blogging today. If you know anyone whose blog has helped you in the same way, feel free to message us and we can consider them for inclusion on our exclusive list.
Many Thanks To Everyone Who Participated.
Thanks for your time.